Flat Rock, Our Hometown

Flat Rock, Our Hometown

What is it?

A city sponsored volunteer driven activity to develop a downtown business district that attracts both residents and businesses, promotes commercial investment, and spurs economic growth.

Who is involved?
Volunteers representing the community interested in the goal.


How Do we Do it?

By working on the development & improvement areas complementing the work of current programs (DDA, TIFA, & City commissions) and working within the City structure to make effective & productive changes

How You Can Get Involved?

Volunteer to work on specific promotional activities that interest you.

Keep updated on activities & opportunities through our mailing list and social media pages.

Flat Rock, Our Hometown needs many volunteers to plan, initiate, and execute activities and events to fulfill our mission: To develop Main Street districts that attract both residents and businesses, promote commercial investment, and spur economic growth.

Volunteers are needed to support presenting individual events such as movies and concerts in the business districts, “Fur Fest’ (pet show), Ice Cream Socials, Trunk or Treats in the Business areas, Car Shows, and even the Riverfest and Summer Blast.

We can also use volunteers on project teams to plan and initiate activities to promote our businesses including, but not limited to developing a “Business of the Week” program, Small Business Sidewalk Sales, New Business Welcome packages, and a formal Business Longevity Recognition program.

For more information on specific needs and opportunities to help, please feel free to contact us through our website (www.flatrockourhometown.com), or our E-mail info@flatrockourhometown.com or flatrockourhometown@gmail.com